Tool to assist writing proposals

15 Sep 2013 | proposals, python

When responding to RFPs, an important step is making sure to answer every identified requirement. A recently released tool, shred is one such capability to identify key sentences from DOCX formatted RFPs.


python BAA-2013-001.docx

Example output:

requirement (will) : The contractor will work with a systems integrator that will design and build the microgrid

requirement (should) : The generation/storage should seamlessly integrate into the microgrid and interface with the microgrid management system in a cyber-secure fashion

requirement (will) : The outputs will be: “hot and cold water”; “ice”; “Hydrogen”; “Oxygen”; “fresh water”; “de-ionized water”; and “electricity”

Hopefully using shred will make sure your responses cover every issue and are, at a minimum, complinant.