CGC Corpus

24 Apr 2017 | CGC, CTF

Today, we released a browsable Cyber Grand Challenge corpus platform. Similar to the DARPA IDS dataset released in 1998 and 1999, we’re hoping this corpus can help inform cyber security research for the next decade. This corpus provides a human browsable interface to the happenings of DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge, both in the qualifying event (CQE) and the final event (CFE).

There are a handful of unique components that make up the corpus that could be of interest:

Including a browsable disassembly of each submission is in progress. The corpus will be updated with that information as we build the data.

For more information about the the corpus, please see the CGC Corpus Paper. The corpus is available as a git repo, as well as browsable on our website. If you have any comments or questions, please email us.

CGC Corpus